Creating an engaging hiring manager recruitment video on Jobz is a powerful tool for attracting top talent, but it's not just about the equipment and lighting! Your mindset and energy level play a pivotal role in the success of your video. Let’s explore four tips to how hiring managers can cultivate the right mindset and energy before hitting the record button.

  1. Clarify Your Purpose: Begin by understanding the purpose of your video. What message do you want to convey? Who is your target audience? Knowing your goals will help you align your thoughts and energy with the video's objectives.
  2. Rehearse Your Script: Familiarize yourself with the script or key points you want to cover. Practice speaking naturally and fluently. Rehearsing your content can help you feel more prepared and less nervous.
  3. Set a Positive Tone: Positive energy is infectious. Before recording, take a few minutes to engage in activities that lift your spirits. Listen to motivational music, practice deep breathing, or even do a quick workout to boost your energy.
  4. Embrace Authenticity: Be yourself on camera. Authenticity builds trust and connection with potential candidates. Embrace your unique qualities and let your passion for the job opportunity shine through your Jobz profile.

Getting into the right mindset and energy level before recording a recruitment video is a crucial step toward confidently conveying your message and attracting top talent to your open job posting.