Creating a compelling recruitment video using Jobz is a powerful way for hiring managers to attract top talent. However, amidst the hustle of the hiring process, there are key elements that are sometimes overlooked. In this blog post, we'll explore the top three things hiring managers frequently forget when recording recruitment videos, why these oversights happen, and why it's crucial to remember them.

1. Forgetting the Hook: Hiring managers often jump straight into the details of the job or the company, forgetting to start with an engaging hook.

A captivating opening grabs candidates' attention and keeps them watching. Whether it's sharing an exciting project on your team, telling a recent success story, or posing a thought-provoking question, a hook sets the tone for the video and makes it more memorable.

2. Forgetting the Enthusiasm: Managers become too focused on only providing information about the company and the role. 

Enthusiasm is contagious! When candidates see a hiring manager genuinely excited about the company and the opportunity, it creates a positive impression and makes them more likely to want to be a part of your team.

3. Forgetting a Call to Action: Hiring managers often conclude the video without providing clear guidance on the next steps. 

A call to action (CTA) guides candidates on what to do next, whether it's applying, visiting the company website, or creating their own candidate video. Without a CTA, candidates may be unsure of how to proceed, potentially causing them to lose interest.

By remembering these three critical elements, hiring managers can create Jobz recruitment videos that make a significant difference in the success of their recruitment efforts!